AOVICF envisions a world of diverse cultures
united in a spirit of mutual respect
and imbued with a profound understanding of the power of music
to move individuals towards transformation of communities.
AOVICF aims ​​to organize a competitive festival designed to
promote high levels of aesthetic performance
while also fostering camaraderie, cultural, and artistic exchange.
ASSEMBLE choral experts, practitioners, and enthusiasts from various parts of the world in a gathering meant to celebrate the value of music in achieving global harmony;
NOURISH people’s passion towards artistic excellence especially in the field of choral performance, in a competitive yet nurturing environment;
DEVELOP a community and platform in which participants discover among themselves various similarities despite diversities, which help define respective directions;
RECOGNIZE the unceasing need to contribute to the building of peace in a world divided by lack of respect to cultural differences and by unjust biases;
ESTABLISH the significance of promoting Philippine brand of music and performance to the international arts and culture arena;
ADVOCATE the philosophy and praxis of the founder of the Philippine Madrigal Singers, National Artist for Music Prof. Andrea O. Veneracion, of singing from the heart.